Carlos Fernández Llamas Full Stack Engineer at Lookiero

Always looking for the next step in my career. Getting involved in complex problems to be solved with a team which I can learn from, and hoping to also give something in return.

Apart from programming, photography is also my hobby.


  • Frontend
    • HTTP protocol, HTTP2 features, WebSockets, the DOM, JS optimization, profilling and debugging.
    • Javascript frameworks and libraries like Vue, React or Mithril.
    • State management with Redux and Vuex.
    • Architecture like Flux and MVVM.
    • Javascript itself, and supersets like Typescript and Flow.
    • CSS preprocessors like Sass and LESS.
  • Backend
    • Languages like Javascript (with Node), C#, Go and Python. Could remember again Java or PHP.
    • Databases like SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis.
    • Architectures and patterns like DDD, CQS and CQRS. But can tell when something like MVC is enough.
    • Stuff like distributed computing, message queues, paralellization, concurrency, etc.
  • Infrastructure / Operations
    • Basic knowledge for Linux administration and networking.
    • Mostly worked with Azure Cloud.
    • Know Docker and Docker Compose.
    • Container orchestration with Kubernetes.

Work Experience

Full Stack Engineer at Lookiero August 2019 / Today

Software Developer at Plain Concepts September 2015 / August 2019

Development, consulting and training role in the Bilbao office of Plain Concepts for multiple clients in many industries, both brand new and legacy projects.

In charge of development of many solutions, using the latest technologies available that suit with the project's requirements.

Working mostly with .NET Technologies, Azure Cloud, Web Technologies, Containers and Container Orchestration.

Also some experimentation with stuff like Microsoft Band, UWP and Xamarin.

I+D+i Project Manager at Seis Cocos May 2013 / June 2015

Responsible of every project that requires cutting-edge web technologies, responsible of internal tools and frameworks development, main software architect and systems/services maintainer.

I accomplished great look&feel, functionality and stability in much lower time than other environments by using web technologies, this way the application was automatically multiplatform, saving time and money.

Most of the time, PHP, Node, Cordova, MySQL and MongoDB were involved, while dealing with On-Premise infrastructure.

Helped in game development with Unity Engine and developed an unreleased tamagotchi-like game for Samsung Galaxy Gear (Tizen).

Intern at Ichton Software February 2013 / June 2013

Made some web pages for clients and helped in other areas.

Mostly computer repair, WordPress installation, configuration and theme customization, and some static pages with plain HTML and CSS.